A New Chapter on China-Latin American Cooperation
President Xi Jinping is having state visits to Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica and Mexico from 31 May to 6 June and a stopover in the US. This will be Xi’s first visit to Latin America as President of...
View ArticleLatin America’s Rising Status in the Sino-US Relationship
One interesting thing for international observers recently is that Latin America and the Caribbean has become a common foreign priority for both the newly established administrations in the US and...
View ArticleIs the China-Latin American Fiesta Over?
The recent deceleration in China’s economic growth rate has sent waves of speculation among many commentators. Most recently, concern is being voiced that China’s slowdown will have a negative impact...
View ArticleCould an Economic Slowdown Affect One of China’s Trading Partners?
How could a possible slowdown in economic growth in China affect other countries is a topic very much in the news. Here we take a look at one of China’s trading partners: Chile. Chile is an exporting...
View ArticleChina and Mexico: An Emerging Trans-Pacific Partnership?
China’s exploding interest in Latin America is a defining element of the past decade in the Americas. From a base approaching zero, China is now the top trade partner for Brazil, Chile, and Peru and...
View ArticleGood Money After Bad
Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro recently returned from Beijing with a $5 billion line of credit from the China Development Bank (CDB). This comes at a very difficult time for Maduro, whose...
View ArticleChinese-S. American Economic Ties Good for US with Caveats
Despite the international attention given to China’s recent loans to Venezuela, such actions are consistent with China’s overall policy of seeking new opportunities for its own economic development....
View ArticleThe Counterbalance in America’s Backyard
While the U.S. pivot to Asia’s impact on Sino-U.S. relations receives widespread attention, a significant risk to bilateral relations can be seen through China’s interventions in Latin America. As...
View ArticleChina and Japan in the Americas
While China’s entry into Latin America continues to gain international attention, a push by Japan to increase its influence in the region is receiving far less coverage. As Eric Farnsworth explains,...
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